Francesco del Cossa, ‘April’ (detail) – 1471


Schifanoia frescoes at the Schifanoia palace, Ferrara.

Just in case you are seeking some spiritual protection from the current pandemic, you might do worse than consult St. Sebastian, the patron saint for protection from the plague. “He was regarded as a saint with a special ability to intercede to protect from plague, and devotion to him greatly increased when plague was active.”

We often think of him in Renaissance terms, looking quite unperturbed as arrows are fired into him (e.g. Andrea Mantegna, 1480, Louvre Paris). “And the archers shot at him till he was as full of arrows, as an urchin (hedgehog) is full of pricks”. Here is Sebastian in a niche above and between Duke Borso of Ferrara and his favourite Teofilo Calcagnini, giving his protection.

The palio at Ferrara is the oldest in the world. In 1471 Borso was with Teofilo in Rome, receiving his dukedom from the Pope. Thus they weren’t in Ferrara on St. George’s Day (April 24th!), so the palio was postponed until the last Sunday in May. It is run on this date to this day.